Princess Tiana Coloring Sheets

Tiana is one of the Disney Princesses. Collection of Princess Tiana Coloring pages for kids here free and printable versions.

Princess Tiana's Story

Tiana dreams of opening her own restaurant. She works hard to make this come true. Through a twist of fate, she kisses a frog and goes on an adventure through the New Orleans swamp bayou.

Tiana is smiling 423x722


Tiana dancing (Disney Princess) 300x500


Beautiful Princess Tiana 400x751


Upset Princess Tiana 356x633

In 2009, Disney produced an animated movie called The Princess and the Frog. The film's main character is Tiana, who lives in New Orleans during the Jazz Age and loves to cook. She dreams of opening her own restaurant, but an evil voodoo witch doctor transforms a prince she kisses into a frog. Although Tiana falls under the curse herself, she journeys through the swamp to find a cure.

Princess Tiana is dancing 459x671


Tiana and Frog 564x845


Tiana the Disney Princess 752x1336


Tiana and her sweet dress coloring page 333x623

The Frog Prince is the unnamed princess Disney's ninth official princess is loosely based on. She's the most recent princess to come from a traditionally animated film.

Princess Tiana and Prince. 563x751


Tiana wearing bikini coloring sheet for grown ups. 634x844


Princess Tiana Lovely Dress Coloring page 1234x1495

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