Puppies are born after 63 days of gestation. Their amniotic sac is chewed off and swallowed by their mother dog. Almost immediately after they're born, they begin to nurse. Litter size is typically less than six puppies; however, exceptional cases may require human intervention to feed additional puppies due to insufficient nourishment and care provided by their mother. One month after birth, puppies are weaned from their mother and start eating solid food. Mothers often partially digest their food and regurgitate it for their puppies to eat. They also occasionally let them nurse for comfort. At this stage, the mother typically refuses to nurse the puppies.
Puppies instinctively spend most of their time sleeping in the beginning. They also spend a lot of time eating, with the rest spent sleeping. They like to cuddle together in a heap and become distressed if separated from physical contact with their littermates even for a short distance.
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